报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:656 766 573
报告人:Chih-Chiang Chen副教授

陈智强博士于2017年在台湾交通大学电控工程研究所获得博士学位。在2015年10月至2016年8月间,他在美国德州大学圣安东尼奥分校电机与计算器工程学系进行访问研究,并荣获Valero访问博士奖学金。于2017年3月至7月,他在台湾交通大学电控工程研究所进行博士后研究。自2017年8月起,他执教于台湾成功大学系统及船舶机电工程学系,目前任副教授一职。他的研究方向包含: 非线性动态系统、非光滑控制、齐次系统理论与应用。目前他担任国际期刊IET Control Theory & Applications、Information Journal of Fuzzy Systems、Complexity、Mathematical Problems in Engineering的副主编,同时担任国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control、Automatica、International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control等之审稿人。
In the past, when designing controllers for control systems, the intrinsic nonlinear structures are often ignored or destroyed by direct linearization (around operation points), feedback linearization, and feedback cancellation methods. However, these controllers, including PID controllers and even some nonlinear ones based on feedback linearization/cancellation, are no longer adequate to accommodate the increasing requirement for improved performances and enlarged operating regions of modern control systems (robots, vehicles, etc). This talk sketches recent progresses in developing new idea/perspective and approaches for controller design on the basis of feedback domination approach. The major philosophy will be introduced step by step with different scenarios. Simulation studies will also be provided to demonstrate relevant cases. Some potential future works are revealed briefly in the end of the talk.