课次 |
时间(Pm.2:00-5:00) |
腾讯会议ID |
一 |
2022.09.02(周五) |
402-434-582 |
二 |
2022.09.06(周二) |
335-400-910 |
三 |
2022.09.09(周五) |
778-461-749 |
四 |
2022.09.13(周二) |
621-306-939 |
五 |
2022.09.16(周五) |
633-761-089 |
六 |
2022.09.20(周二) |
179-338-797 |
报 告 人:Zhihong Man 教授
工作单位:Swinburne University of Technology
Zhihong Man is currently the Professor of Engineering in the School of Science, Computing Engineering Technologies at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. His research interests are in nonlinear control, signal processing, robotics, neural networks, engineering optimization and vehicle dynamics & control. He has published more than 250 research papers in refereed international journals and refereed international conferences proceedings, and his research results have widely cited about 13400 times by the researchers from more than 30 different countries.
此次学术交流由机器人领域国际著名学者Zhihong Man教授给我校师生讲授《机器人学》系列课程。本课程旨在介绍机器人的基本概念和先进控制算法,使完成本课程的学生能够掌握机器人学的基本概念,应用先进的控制方法设计机器人联合控制
文 孔慧芳 审核 赵吉文